Services and Prices
The procedures undertaken at BSS will vary depending on the type of skin lesion. Most samples will need to be sent to the laboratory for analysis (Histology). This is to rule out an unexpected diagnosis. This will be discussed prior to the procedure being carried out, as it does incur an additional cost.

Skin Tags
Shave excision
These are very common skin lesions, which occur commonly around the neck, armpits and inner thighs. There may be a group of them.
From £150
depending on numbers
Shave excision or curettage and cautery
Benign (non cancerous) moles can be left well alone as most tend not to cause any symptoms. Some moles can appear flat and others quite fleshy. However, if they are cosmetically undesirable, they can be removed. Advice about skin sun care and signs to look for in moles for cancerous change can be given also.
From £180
Seborrhoeic Keratoses
(Age related warts)
Shave excision or curettage and cautery
These are very common and come in different shapes, sizes and colours. They are common on the face, neck and especially on the trunk. They are not cancerous but can become unsightly. They are easily treated.
From £180
Cysts are common. They occur as soft, defined swellings usually on the scalp, face, neck, chest or back. They may be cosmetically undesirable but tend to cause no symptoms so the NHS will not fund removal in these cases. However, they can become infected and painful, in which case you should see your GP first as you may require treatment with antibiotics and possible onward referral within the NHS.
From £450 depending on size and location
Cherry Spots
Electrosurgery /Curettage
Cherry spots are caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin which usually appear on the chest or back. They are harmless. However, they are easily treated if required.
From £150
depending on numbers
Electrosurgery/curettage and cautery
These are small pearly white cysts which appear mainly around the eyes and cheeks. They may clear up on their own in a few months but can be treated if required. However, if there are many, it may require a few visits.
From £150
depending on numbers
Lipomas are slow growing fatty lumps and usually harmless. Some people have more than one. Treatment isn,t usually necessary unless they are painful, growing or they bother you. Most lipomas are removed by surgically cutting them out.
From £450 depending on size and location
Histology will be charged for additionally as necessary, but this will be discussed in advance. Typically from £90 depending on size and location.
Prices vary depending on the time required and complexity of the procedure. However, the cost will cover the surgical procedure and any follow up required, such as stitches removal.
You may prefer initially to book in for a consultation only, to discuss your options and costs. This consultation will cost £100.
Patients with Private Medical Insurance will need to check with their provider in advance of any appointments whether these procedures are covered under their policy and for a local list of approved dermatology practitioners.
- Curettage – scraping off of the skin lesion
- Shave excision – the skin lesion is shaved off with a scalpel
- Cautery – stopping the bleeding by burning the base of the skin lesion
- Excision – cutting the skin lesion out and closing the skin with stitches
- Electrosurgery – use of an electric current to destroy the skin lesion
- Histology – microscopic analysis of the skin lesion removed in order to rule out an unexpected diagnosis. Samples will need to be sent to a laboratory for this.